The potters table
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121 - 140 of 386 records
121 | Durici | DIE 01A01 poorly shaped elongated letters FABRIC TN FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2) |
122 | Eudo | ICPS sample 23 DIES 01A01. Note the unusual use of U instead of V FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8, small platters SOURCE Marne/Vesle; ?Courmelois kilns, Lacroix 64 DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Stanway; North Ferriby |
123 | Mario | DIE 01A01 DIE-STYLE note dotted O; other oddities are just distortions caused by over-stamping decoration. FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (3 - probably 2 platters); Vertault, Cam 2 3R. |
124 | Namanto | DIES 01A01, 02B01 DIE-STYLES 2, very different die-cutters Die 01A01 FABRICS TR1C; FORMS Cam 8, large & small platters SOURCE Die group 01A at Rheims, rue St Simon (RMS4A-B, 6) Die-style like Arantedu(s) TR1C, also at St Simon kilns; see also Verilamo(s) P138. DATE AD15-40 DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Nijmegen, Cemetery O, TR Cam 7(4); Mainz; Rheims TR platter. Die 02B01 FABRIC; TN FORM; large platter SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Silchester |
125 | NOVII__ | An abbreviation, uncertain reading probably NOVII although the initial N looks more like II. DIE 01A01 FABRICS TR1C FORMS large platters, Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (3). Die group 01A at Sept-Saulx (2); Wederath, Cam 56; Chateau Porcien, TN Cam 58. |
126 | Novemol(os) | Possibly same potter as Nove[..] P125 DIE 01A01 DIE-STYLES at least 4 different styles on the continent FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Stanway Grave CF47. Die group 01A at Mainz TR cup; Bavay NOVE/MOII TN.. |
127 | PRANETIO | Uncertain | Uncertain reading, name unknown. DIE 01A01, 02B01 FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE Trier 'Kapellenstrasse' Kilns II & III (6) DATE import DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I & II. Trier 'Kapellenstrasse' Kilns II & III, TN (6), 'Zeigelstrasse' TN Cam 5. Mainz. Die 02B01 - PR[___] FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I |
128 | ZC / \ / \o | DIES 01A01, 02B01, 03C01 - closely related dies on Cam 16 platters DIE 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 16 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Clausentum, Tiverton DIE 02B01 - possibly same die as Die 01A01 FABRICS TN/ITN FORMS Cam 16 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Canterbury DIE 03C01 FABRIC TN FORM Cam 16 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Chichester 'Cattle Market' |
129 | Senodo | DIE 01A01, 02B01 DIE-STYLES 2 Die 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Faversham. Same Die group Bingen. Die 02B01 FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen II Same Die-group or Die at Bechtheim |
130 | Senoru | DIE 01A01 FABRIC TN FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen. Same die group, possibly same die at Novaesium, TN Cam 9; Mainz, TR cup. |
131 | Solitu | DIE 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS small platter SOURCE import Trepail (4) DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen II; Paris |
132 | ZC SOVI)II\II | ZC CA((I(OS | ICPS The dies are notable for their cursive style with such poor lettering the reading is uncertain - possibly CASSICOS \ CASSICCOS A separate name was given to differentiate the dies from those of CANICOS P54 the most likely alternative but typically with clear readable dies. Originally classified as a different name SOIIIRINI has been added when it became apparent that when rotated the reading matched P106 Die 01A01. DIES 01A01, 03B01, 04A01= P132 DIE-STYLES 1 Die 04A01 FABRIC TN FORM large platter SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2); Silchester; Trier (TR11)TR1C Cam 8. |
133 | Datveio | DIE 01A01. See P193 for possible related die DIE-STYLES at least 2 FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE Die 01B01larger and with an open A otherwise very similar at Trier 'Kapellenstrasse' Kilns (TR110) on typical Trier TN B with 'grog' streaking; DATE DISTRIBUTION Silchester; Chateau Porcien (CPV 3) TN; Bingen TR; Kln, Cam 5 TR; |
134 | CABUD ' | CARUD | DIE 01A01 FABRIC TN FORMS small platter {Cam 14} SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Silchester. Same die group Nijmegen, TN Cam 14. Niederhosenbach, large TR platter. |
135 | Varicosi | DIE 01A01 DIE-STYLES 2 at least. Die-group 02B is very different to cursive style of Die 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS large platter SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die-group 02B with border - VARICoS at Trier (TR 72-3) Trier TN Cam 8 variant. 1 stamp on A collared bowl in mica-coated ware CHECK; Bingen TR; Lebach, Cam 16; Stahl; Amiens |
136 | Catullussi | ICPS sample 44 Definitely an immigrant potter who moved from a G-B production area to Colchester, continued to produce his standardised platter forms, Cam 8 and 16, but in the local clays and did not attempt to produce TN DIES 01A01, 02A01 with 03B01 a possible copy. DIE-STYLES open A otherwise letters easily recognisable FABRICS CW, local fine sandy kiln-fired wares FORMS close copies of Cam 8 & Cam 16 SOURCE ICPS results - Die 02A01 a Colchester product although not yet found on any kiln site, and not recorded outside Colchester. DATE could be as early as AD45 but more likely to be after AD61, part of the post Boudiccan reconstruction when imports were not so readily available. DISTRIBUTION only at Colchester Die 01A01 - Sheepen I (3), Stansway but not Sheepen II, or Lexden cemetery. Die 02A01 - Sheepen I, Colonia (2), but not Sheppen II, or Lexden cemetery. Die 03B01 FABRICS CW FORMS Cam 16, 58 SOURCE Colchester kilns DATE ?post AD61 DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (3) but not Sheepen II |
137 | Velucnio | See P57 for possible longer versions of AVELVCNIOS DIE 01A01. . DIE-STYLES 1 Letter L with shaped bar and small o set high. It looks like the same die-cutter as Verigamo P138 & Jul(l)ios P18 Die-group 02H. FABRICS TN FORMS small platter SOURCE imports DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Hunnenknepchen, TR Cam 8; Trier, TR Cam 7; Hedderheim; Kln; Bavay; Bingen, TR. |
138 | Verigamo \ | Verilamo | DIES 01A01, 02A01 - abbreviation DIE-STYLES 1; E with 3 bars, top & tail; L or ? or G hooked; small o at mid-point Die 01A01 FABRICS TN, TR1C FORMS small & large platters; SOURCE import DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2); Silchester Die 02A01 Abbreviation FABRIC TN FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Sens Cam 56 TN |
139 | Vervico | DIE 01A01. Possibly the same die-cutter as P138 Verilamo(s) FABRICS ITN/TN {TR} FORM Cam 8/7 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Colchester. Die-group at Luxembourg Museum, TR platter. Nijmegen, Cemetery 0, TR Cam 8/7 (2), Cemetery E, TR Cam 8/7, Cemetery OH, TR Cam 7. |
140 | Viriodac | A large scale supplier of early TN to continental sites but so far rare in Britain. The use of one die suggests production over a short period in one location. DIE 01A01 FABRICS TN {TR} FORMS small platter {Cam 5 & 8} SOURCE import, Die at Trepail DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Trier (TR 6) TR1C Cam 8; Titelberg (TI 5 & 8) TR1C Cam 8; Goblingen Nospelt, TR Cam 5; Fouches, TR am 8 . Same die-group Dalheim, TR Cam 7B; Lebach, TR; Luxembourg Museum, TR platter; Paris; Mainz, TR Cam 8; Niederhosenbach,TR; Bingen, TR Cam 8; Vechten; Stahl; Vertault; Melun; Paris |