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866 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 338.31 274 01A01 C Y Cam 56L. TN - red-brown fine sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish. Cursive:- ATP))/ No decoration. CONDITION - standing base

867 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C32BS25 275 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - pale matrix; B/B surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Cursive:- i)\/I)(\/ \/[_] or [__ ])\/II(I\(I  
868 153 Sheepen II Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum Ei Pit 153 292 01A01 C Y Cam 56L. TN - pale fine matrix; B/B polished surfaces. Uncertain Reading:- B:ICo. 1. DIC with fine rouletting between. CONDITION - trimmed base.  
869 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C32BS26 292 01A01 C N Cam 56L. TN - pale fine matrix; dark B/G polished surfaces. Border Uncertain Reading:- B:ICo 1. 1 DIC. CONDITION - standing base to 1/2 rim circuit.

870 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR 1C Colchester Museum H111 292 01A01 C N Cam 56. TR1C - fine red matrix; darker slip; no finish. Border. Uncertain Reading:- B:ICo. 1. 1 IC.  
871 G24 Burial L Skeleton Green Braughing Cam 56 TR 1B Hertford Museum 901 G24 Burial L 277 01A01 C Y Cam 54 or 56L. TR1B - cream sandy matrix; coral red slip, flaked & laminated; highly polished upper, worn lower. Uncertain Reading:- LIECI: No decoration. CONDITION:- base roughly trimmed at top edge of cornice for re-use as a lid. CONTEXT - Burial L. Used as lid for flagon in a cremation dated to the Antonine period at Skeleton Green.  
872 22D F43 Skeleton Green Braughing Cam 56 TR 2 Hertford Museum 619 22D F43 278 01A01 C Y Cam 56S. TR2 - fine orange matrix; polished upper, matt lower. Cursive:- CICC. No decoration. CONDITION - complete base circuit, half foot-ring missing; possibly an attempt to trim the base for re-use.

873 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR 1C Colchester Museum C31BS34 314 01A01 C Y Cam 56S - fine orange matrix; red slip; polished upper, matt lower. TR1C. Uncertain Reading:- II)I)I. No decoration.

874 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR 2 Colchester Museum BS46 314 01A01 C N Cam 56S. TR2 - red smooth matrix; polished finish; laminated.. Uncertain Reading:- II)I)I. 1. 1 IC.

875 BMH&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR BM 1953 4-2 314 01A01 C N Cam 56As - slight groove on inside wall. TR1C - fine sandy matrix, few pellets; orange-red; darker slip; smoothly polished inner, faceted outer surface. Uncertain Reading:- II)I)I. CONDITION - standing, almost complete, 1/7 rim circuit restored  
876 F52 (5) Skeleton Green Braughing Cam 56 TR 2 BM 1049 G22 F52 (4) 292 01A01 C N Cam 56. TR2 - soft fine red matrix; highly polished upper, unfinished within foot-ring where repaired before firing. Uncertain Reading:- B:Co. Published as ATA with spots.

877 Unstratified Clothall Rd Baldock Platter TN Letchworth Museum TK/AX 30 279 01A01 C Y ?Cam 16? TN. Cursive:- IAIIOIV. 1. 1 BC. CONTEXT - U/S Trial Trenching 1968.  
878 SHPN U/S Sheepen 1972 Colchester Cam 8 TN Colchester Museum P5391 132 04A01 C N Die 04A01
Cam 8. TN - B/G surfaces; highly polished upper, polished lower. Uncertain Reading:- S( )[____] = SOIIRINI. Alternative rotated reading is [(/\((I(]OS = [C/\SSII]OS = CASSICOS. 1. 1 BRW.
879 Null Unknown Binchester Cam 56 TN     91 02A01 C N Duplicate entry same as V 215 Linton. Not valid.