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901 - 920 of 1228 records
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846 1938H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C38BS18 263 01A01 C Y ?Cam 14 domed? TN - pale matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish. Mark:- ZM IIII. 1. DIC+IC+IC.
847 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 8 TR 1C Colchester Museum 1552.31 187 01A01 C Y DIE 01A01
FORM Cam 7 or 8
SOURCE import

Cam 8/7. TR2 orange fine matrix; darker slip; worn, no finish. Uncertain Reading:- I/-\I[ ___] or [___] IVI. 1. 1 RW.

848 Unknown May 1916 Silchester Platter TN Reading Museum 1992.1.1720 353 01A01 C Y Central - narrow foot-ring. TN - fine pale matrix; black surfaces; polished finish. . Mark:- IIV[__] or [__]/\II. 1. 2 BC.

849 Burial F360 Drury 1970-71 Little Waltham Cam 14 TN     265 01A01 C Y Cam 14. TN. Cursive:- II(( )(II. No finish survives. CONDITION - complete. CONTEXT - cremation.

850 Unknown Jewry Wall Leicester Platter TN Jewry Wall   204 01A01 R Y Radial. TN. Border. Cursive:- \\/II'[___]. 1. at least 1 IC.  
851 Unknown Unknown 19 Ardleigh Cam 14 TN Colchester Museum   187 12A01 C Y DIE 12A01
FORM Cam 14
SOURCE import

Cam 14. TN. Unreadable Fragment:- )/\([__] poorly shaped letters ?= SACIRV.

852 Burial Jordan Hill Weymouth Cam 58 TN BM 79 7-12 21 211 01A01 C N Cam 58L, shallow; squared-off flange. TN. Abraded stamp. Mark:- IIIOIII. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION - complete. CONTEXT - burial

853 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 199.31 266 01A01 C Y Cam 56. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Uncertain Reading:- IIE)E(V = IIESECV. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION : trimmed below carination
854 Pit A Belgic mint 1958 Verulamium Cam 13 TN Verulamium Museum 79.2552 267 01A01 C Y Cam 13. TN - pale fine matrix; flaking and laminating; patchy B/G surfaces, trace of polished finish. Cursive:- (o\T/ I\I\/. 1. 1 DIC + 1 IC. ?? P A = PIT A?? CONDITION:- restored to complete

855 B1 855 Clausentum 1951-54 Southampton Cam 16 TN Southampton Museum   268 01A01 C Y Cam 16. TN. Uncertain Reading:- [__]ITIX. 1. 1 IC.