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761 - 780 of 1228 records
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706 CH/80/CM B85 1244 Cattle Mart 1978-81 Chichester Platter TN Chichester Museum 1244 211 01A01 C N Central. TN - hard pale matrix; B/G surfaces; highly polished finish. Mark:- III[OIII].  
707 Unknown May 1916 Silchester Platter TN Reading Museum DISPLAY 331 01A01 C Y Central. TN. Mark :- IIIIOI or IOIIII . 1. 1 DIC.

708 1933H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C33BS5 212 01A01 C Y Die 01A01
Central ? Cam 16. TN - burnt & discoloured, no finish. Reading:- OV[O]. No decoration.
709 1938H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C38BS19 212 02B01 C Y Die 02B01
Cam 56s. TN - fine grey matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, faceted lower. Reading:- [O]I/O or O/I[O]. 1. 1 IC.

710 PET'81 879 1247 Peter's Hill '81 London Platter TN MoL PET81 879 1247 302 01A01 C Y ?Cam 16. TN - white matrix; patchy B/G surfaces; polished upper. Uncertain reading:- (O\ /'[__] =?COVERTHI. 1. 1 IC.

711 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum 884.31 119 01A01 C Y Central. TN - pale fine matrix; metallic blue-black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- [DRV(](O 1. Triple IC.

712 APW 134 Potter 1971-72 Braughing Platter TN Hertford Museum C5 Pit APW 134 344 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - pale fine matrix; grey/black surfaces; polished finish. Reading:- [___] IO. 1. 2 DIC. CONTEXT C5 Pit APW 134 = Pit with Aug-Tib filling. Published as Boudus  
713 F67 T VII 6' Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum F647 TVII 6' 351 01A01 C Y Central. TN - pale hard fine sandy matrix; black surfaces; no finish. Border. Mark:- .\v/[___]. 1. 1 RW. CONTEXT : F67 T VII 6'

714 VCP BIV 18 Ver mus car park Verulamium Platter TN Verulamium Museum   215 01A01 C Y Central. TN - fine pale smooth matrix; B/B polished surfaces. Cursive:- 'II'I//=\O or OI-III'I/' 1. at least 1 IC.  
715 Burial Jordan Hill Weymouth Cam 16 TN BM 79 7-12 24 304 01A01 C Y Cam 16, shallow, open version, domed, useless foot-ring. TN - hard & metallic. Border. Cursive:- III'I/IO\I or I\OI/I'III. Possibly an attempt at IVLLIOS. 1. 2 BC defining matt zone. CONDITION - complete. CONTEXT - burial.

716 GS 41-48-16 1971-80 Exeter Cam 8 TN Exeter Museum   216 01A01 C Y Cam 8, exaggerated rim profile, v domed base and useless foot-ring. TN - white fine matrix with grey inclusions; pale B/G surfaces; upper polished, lower less well finished. Cursive:- OOV///. 1 1 BC. CONTEXT - Exeter context - late C1st.

Holbrook & Bidwell 1992 Fig 7, 5.
717 4142 1994 (Elm Farm) Heybridge Platter TN Chelmsford   217 01A01 C Y DIE 01A01
FORM small platters
SOURCE import

Central. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; trace of polished finish. Border. Mark:- \O[__],
718 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR 2 Colchester Museum C32BS36 218 01A01 C Y Cam 56S. TR2 - smooth red matrix; polished upper, matt lower. Pattern Mark:- ZP CHEQUER-BOARD  
719 Unspecified Potter 1971-72 Braughing Cam 16 TN Hertford Museum   219 01A01 C Y Cam 16, narrow moulded foot-ring. TN - pale fine matrix; patchy dB/G surfaces; polished upper, poorly finished matt lower surface. Mark:- XX divided by central line.  
720 A55 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 16 TN Colchester Museum A55 220 01A01 C Y Cam 16. TN - B/G smooth matrix; soapy black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Mark :- / //\/ V / I /\ /\ II. 1. 1 IC.

721 AAG 66 Potter 1971-72 Braughing Cam 56 TN Hertford Museum A162 A2 AAG 66 US 325 01A01 C Y Cup ? Cam 56. TN - white fine sandy matrix; pale B/G surfaces; no finish. Cursive:- / \ VIVI[_] / I/\/ III[_] CONTEXT:- A162 A2 AAG 66 US. US above A2, East Ditch of Ermine St.  
722 155 Sheepen II Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum   326 01A01 C Y Cam 56L - tall chamfered foot-ring. TN - grey sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Cursive:- V\\ // o / VIIIIo. 1. 1 BRW

723 J8 9 2169 Bucknowle Farm Corfe Castle Platter TN ?Dorset Co Museum   336 01A01 C Y Form uncertain - platter or bowl. Aquitanian TN - white sandy matrix; B/G surfaces; no finish survives. Mark:- VIX[_]. Could not be located for a final check of the impression.