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546 1938H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 5B TN Colchester Museum C38BS7 18 03G03 C N Dies 03G03, 03G05 - IVLLIO, back sloping L & letter O in 2 strokes
Cam 5B, Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; black surfaces; polished finish. Reading:- IVLLIO. 1. 1 BRW. CONTEXT - TK1 40 - 60' @ 2' 4" - 2' 8", Osborne & Manser 1/9/38
547 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum I A 4' 18 03G03 R N Dies 03G03, 03G05 - IVLLIO, back sloping L & letter O in 2 strokes
Radial; thick base. TN - hard sandy white matrix; pale B/G surfaces; polished upper, matt lower Reading:- [IVL]LIO. 1. 2 BRW. Not part of V546.

548 III (1) Sheepen II Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum TN46 18 03G05 C N ICP
Dies 03G03, 03G05 - IVLLIO, back sloping L & letter O in 2 strokes
Cam 56L. TN - brown fine matrix; black polished surfaces with soapy fell cf West Stow etc. Reading:- IVLLIO. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION - 1/2 circuit below rim.