The stamps table
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Stamp No | context | excavation | findspot | form | fabric | present | inventory | potter No | Die No | pos | def | comment | Reference |
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581 - 600 of 1228 records
526 | 1930H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | C30B56 | 18 | 02G01 | C | Y | Dies 02G01, 02G02 Cam 56. TN - fine brown matrix; black surfaces; no finish. Reading:- IVLIOS. 1. 1 IC. . |
527 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | 1641.31 | 18 | 02G01 | C | N | Dies 02G01, 02G02 Cam 56. TN - brown fine matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading : - [I]VLIOS. 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - Sandpit 1930 |
528 | 1933H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | C33BS7 | 18 | 02G02 | C | Y | Dies 02G01, 02G02 Central. TN - pale matrix; black surfaces; no finish . Reading:- IVLIOS. 1. 2 ICs, 1 round stamp. |
529 | 1935H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | C35BS8 | 18 | 02G02 | C | N | Dies 02G01, 02G02 Central. TN - fine sandy pale matrix; mottled B/G surfaces; heavily burnt & discoloured. Reading:- [IV]LIOS. 1. 1 IC. |
530 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | 196.31 | 18 | 02H02 | C | N | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Cam 7/8?. TN - hard dark matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- IVL:IoS. 1. 2 ICs. CONTEXT - PF Sandpit EJR |
531 | 1932H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | C32BS23 | 18 | 02H03 | C | Y | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Cam 56VS. TN - smooth white matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- IVL:IoS. 1. 1 IC. |
532 | Calver collection | Sheepen | Colchester | Cam 8 | TN | Colchester Museum | 2142.55 | 18 | 02H03 | C | N | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Cam 8/7. TN - pale sandy matrix; metallic black surfaces; polished upper, faceted lower. Border. Reading:- IV[]L:oS. 1. 1 BRW. CONDITION - almost complete base circuit. GRAFFITO - B on exterior. |
533 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | 1842.31 | 18 | 02H05 | C | Y | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Central. TN - fine sandy pale matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- IV.L'IoS. 1. 2 IC. CONDITION - drilled whole just off-centre - 10mm diameter. |
534 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | 882.31 | 18 | 02H05 | C | N | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Cam 56VS, variant foot-ring. TN - red-brown fine sandy matrix; black surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- [IV.]L'IoS. 1. 1 IC. |
535 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | 350.31 | 18 | 02H01 | C | Y | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. ICP Cam 56L. TN - brown fine matrix; G/B surfaces; polished upper, faceted lower. Border. Reading:- IVL:Ios. 1. 1 IC; 4 single strand RW. CONDITION - standing |
536 | 1930-646-647 | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | Colchester Museum | 353.31 | 18 | 02H01 | C | N | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Cam 56L. TN - fine pale matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, faceted outer. Border. Reading:- IVL:Ios. 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - P19 2' 6" |
537 | Unknown | Sheepen II | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | 18 | 02H01 | R | N | Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. Radial. TN - hard pale fine sandy matrix; dark B/G surfaces; upper polished, lower streaked polish. Border. IVL:Ios. 1. 8 concentric BC at centre ? 8-prong comb? + 2 RW, inner defined by 1 BC, outer over-drawn by 2 BC. Stamp overlaps outer wreath. |
538 | BF 6 | Stanway | Colchester | Cam 8 | TN | Colchester Museum | Burial 4 BF6, 13 | 18 | 02J01 | C | N | Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 - IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS Cam 8 TN - buff fine powdery matrix; B/B very worn surfaces; polished finish. Reading:- IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS. PAS I. |
539 | 1931Hull | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | 144.32 | 18 | 02J01 | R | Y | Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 - IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS Radial; incised guide circle for foot-ring. TN - burnt; fine pale grey laminating matrix; mottled B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IVLIOS/\V. 1. 3 IC overstamped. |
540 | 1931H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | C31BS11 | 18 | 02J01 | R | N | Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 - IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS Radial, thick base, moulded foot-ring TN - burnt & discoloured; hard pale matrix; no original colour & finish survive. Reading:- [IV]LIOS/\V. 1. 2 x 2 IC + 1DBRW outside stamp. |
541 | 1931H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | C31BS23 | 18 | 02J02 | R | N | Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 - IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS Radial - thick base. narrow foot-ring. TN - hard pale matrix; grey-black surfaces; no finish. Reading:- IVLIOS/\V - IVLIOS AVOTIS. 1. 1Triple IC + 1 DIC, stamp between. |
542 | Unknown | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | P9 2' | 18 | 02J02 | R | Y | Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 - IVLIOS/\V = IVLIOS AVOTIS 1 Central & 2/4 Radial. TN - sandy white matrix; patchy B/G surfaces; worn, no finish survives. Reading:- C = [IVLI]OS/\V; R = IVLIOS/\V; R = IV-----V. 1. 1 DIC around stamp + 1 DRW + 1 DIC. CONDITION - 1/2 base circuit. |
543 | 1935H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | C35BS7 | 18 | 02J04 | R | Y | Die 02J04 - IVI O)/V = IVLIOSAV(OTIS). Radial. TN - fine white matrix; dark B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IVI O)/V = IVLIOSAV(OTIS). |
544 | 1931H&H | Sheepen I | Colchester | Cam 56 | TN | BM | C31BS38 | 18 | 04G08 | C | Y | Die 04G08 - IVLLIOS NA FABRIC B. 14196S. Cam 56L; poorly made, simple foot-ring TN - buff fine soapy matrix, fine black inclusions; brownish-black surfaces; highly polished inner, polished outer. Reading:- IVLLIOS. 1. 1 IC. |
545 | K3 (2) | Sheepen II | Colchester | Platter | TN | Colchester Museum | TN1 | 18 | 03G03 | C | N | Dies 03G03, 03G05 - IVLLIO, back sloping L & letter O in 2 strokes Central; moulded foot-ring 7mm. TN - white powdery matrix; B/G surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IV_ _IO. .1. 2 BC, 1 over-runs. |