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561 - 580 of 1228 records
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506 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 2 TN Colchester Museum C31BS37\31.62 15 02B01 R N Die 02B01
Cam 2, 2 Radial. TN. Reading:- IA'P.P.I. Letters P in two strokes. 1. 2 BRW grouped, stamp at outer.

507 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 2 TN Colchester Museum C32BS45 15 02B01 R Y Die 02B01
Cam 2. Radial. TN - hard pale matrix; mottled B/G; polished finish. Reading:- IA'P.P.I. 1. 1 triple BRW.

508 1933H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C33BS8 15 02B01 C N Die 02B01
Cam 56S. TN - fine smooth pale matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IA'P.P.I. 1. 1 IC.

509 Unknown Sheepen II Colchester Cam 14 TN Colchester Museum   323 01A01 C N Cam 14. TN. Uncertain Reading:- /-\TT\Io..  
510 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C30B65 16 01A01 C N Cam 56S. ITN - sandy grey matrix; darker B/G surfaces; no finish. Reading:- ILIXI. 1. 1 IC.  
511 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TR 1C Colchester Museum C30B16 83 01A01 R Y Radial. TR1C - sandy pale red matrix; darker slip; no finish. Border. Reading:- ILLOS. 1. 2 BRW.  
512 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TR 1C BM C30B30 83 01A01 R N Radial - broad early foot-ring. TR1C - Acutus/Attissus ware; orange fine sandy matrix; darker slip; polished upper, abraded lower. Border. Reading:- ILLOS. 1. 2 BRW, outer over-stamped..  
513 1934H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TR 1C Colchester Museum C34B17 83 01A01 R N Radial. TR1C - pale red sandy matrix; darker slip; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- [ILL]OS.  
514 1927Laver Sheepen Colchester Cam 56 TR 1C Colchester Museum 6354/27 83 02A01 C Y Die 02A01
Cam 56S. TR1C/ITR - red sandy matrix; smooth inner, faceted outer, no finish. Border. Reading:- ILL abbreviation for ILLOS.
515 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TR 1C Colchester Museum C30BS4 88 01A01 C Y Cam 56CL. TR1C - fine orange sandy matrix; darker slip; spalled, no finish. Reading:- [?_I]NAC. CONDITION - 1/2 base circuit to carination.

516 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C31BS5 17 03C01 C Y Die 03C01
Central, thick base. TN - fine white sandy matrix; mottled B/G. no finish. Reading:- INDVH[O] = INDVTIO(S). No decoration.

517 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 1393.31 145 01A01 C Y Cam 56L. TN - fine smooth black matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower . Reading:- IDVTI.  
518 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C31BS4 146 01A01 R Y Die 01A01
Radial. TN - pale matrix; mottled B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- [(I)NG]IINVS(rev) = INGENVS.

519 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C30BS12 147 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - white powdery matrix; dove grey surfaces; no finish. Reading:- INITA.<FE> = INITA.FECIT. 1. 1 IC + 1 RW.

520 1930 Pit D11 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN BM 1953.4-2.7 18 01B01 C Y NA FABRIC B 14195U.
Die 01B01
Cam 56C(L). TN good blue-black surfaces; traces of smoothly polished upper; faceted outer finish.. Border. Reading:- IVLIO. CONTEXT:- Site D is listed as 1934 but on sherd 1930 Pit D11
521 1938H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C38TS4 18 01B01 C N Central. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; pale grey upper, dark grey lower; no finish . Border. Reading:- IVI[IO].  
522 E8 59 (1) Sheepen II Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum   1 01A01 C Y Central, domed base. TN - pale fine matrix; B/B surfaces; polished upper, streaky lower. Same die as V72 Verulamium with the border not registering in the impression. Reading:- ATESATI / IVLIO/\V = ATESATI / IVLIO AVOTIS.

523 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 352.31 18 02E01 C N Die 02E01 - IVLIOS
Cam 56S. TN- pale fine sandy matrix; black surfaces; no finish. Reading:- [I]VLIOS. 1. 1 BC.
524 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C30B13 18 02F01 R Y Die 02F01 - IVLIOS
Radial, thick base, narrow foot-ring. TN - hard pale fine sandy matrix; mottled grey surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IVLIOS. 1. 1 IC.
525 1938H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C38BS23 18 02F01 C N Die 02F01 - IVLIOS
Central, narrow foot-ring. TN - dark sandy matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IVL[IOS]. 1. 1 DIC. UNDERSIDE - radial stamp inside foot-ring. Lozenge-shaped Pattern - not recorded as a potter's mark.

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