The stamps table

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541 - 560 of 1228 records
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486 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C30B25 140 01A01 C Y Central. TN - pale fine matrix; dark B/G worn surfaces, no finish. Reading:- VIRIO[DAC]. Tall thin letters. No decoration.  
487 P14 4' Sheepen I Colchester Cam 14 TN Colchester Museum P14 4 72 01A01 C N Cam 14. TN - hard fine sandy white matrix; patchy B/G surfaces; highly polished upper, polished lower.. Border. Reading:- VISEROS. 1. 1 BRW.

488 IIc (1) Sheepen II Colchester Platter TR 1B Colchester Museum TN9 141 01A01 R Y Radial; domed base; moulded foot-ring. TR1B - fine orange matrix; darker slip; polished upper, streaky lower. Reading:- VOSATI. 1. 1 BRW, stamp beyond.  
489 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum 363.31 23 01B01 R Y Die 01B01
Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; mottled pale B/G; polished finish. Border. Reading:- VRITVES. Clear but uneven letters. 1. 1 RW.
490 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C30B62 23 01B01 R N Die 01B01
Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; mottled B/G with metallic lustre; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- VRI[TVES]. 1. 2 IC.

491 1930H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C30B74 23 01B01 R N Die 01B01
Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; mottled B/G; no finish. Reading:- [VR]ITVES. No decoration

492 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN 1931 364.31 23 01B01 R N Die 01B01
Radial. TN - pale matrix; mottled B/G; no finish. Reading:- VRIT[VES]. 1. 1 IC.
493 1934H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C34BS11 23 01B01 R N Die 01B01
Radial; broad foot-ring. TN - white sandy matrix; mottled B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- VRIT[VES]. 1. 1RW + 1 IC.

494 IIb (1) Sheepen II Colchester Cam 58 TN Colchester Museum   42 01A01 C N Cam 58. TN - rust sandy matrix; G/B surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- IOVAY.V retrograde = VX AVO(T)I(S). No decoration. CONDITION - trimmed around base.

495 601 Sheepen II Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum Pit 601 2 42 01A01 C N Cam 56L. TN - white powdery matrix; gunmetal grey worn surfaces; no finish survives. Border. Reading:- IOVAY.V. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION - complete base circuit.

496 601 Sheepen II Colchester Cam 58 TN Colchester Museum Pit 601 5 42 01A01 C N ICP
Cam 58L. TN - white fine powdery matrix; B/B polished surfaces. Border. Reading:- I IOVAY.V. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION - standing pot, 1/2 rim lost.
497 252 Sheepen II Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum Pit 252 2 42 01A01 C Y Cam 56L. TN - grey smooth matrix; B/B polished finish. Border. Reading:- IOVAY.V. 1. 2 IC. CONDITION - trimmed base.  
498 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 341.31 42 01A01 C Y Cam 56L. TN - pale matrix; G/B surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- IOVAY.V. 1. 1 IC.

499 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 58 TN Colchester Museum C31BS13 42 01A01 C N Cam 58. TN - pale fine matrix; black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- IOVAY.V. 1. 1 IC.  
500 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum No info 42 01A01 C N ICP
Cam 56S. TN/CW - brownish sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- IOV[AY.V]. 1. 1 IC.
501 1934H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C34BS4 142 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; mottled B/G surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- ATONO.  
502 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 14 TN Colchester Museum C31BS39 143 01A01 C Y Cam 14 domed. TN - pale sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- ATATV. CONDITION - about 1/3 circuit.

503 Coop Sheepen Rd Sheepen Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum 28.62 15 01A01 R Y Die 01A01
Radial. TN - hard dense white sandy matrix; metallic blue-black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- I/-\PPOS. Letter A with bar to right. 1. 1 BRW
504 112 Sheepen II Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum   43 01A01 C N Central. TN - hard fine matrix; dark B/G surfaces; highly polished upper, lower matt; burnt & discoloured. Border. Cursive:- /\T/\\-/. 1. 2 IC, outer IC over-stamped

505 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C31BS46 19 02B01 C N Die 02B01
Cam 56L. Metallic TN - hard fine white matrix; metallic B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- IVIIV.
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