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466 uprooted tree Crookham House Thatcham Cam 8 TN BM 1930 6-16 3 107 01A01 C N Cam 8. TN. Uncertain Reading:- (V(A[Mo(] = SVLAMoS retrograde \ [)oM]A)V) = CO/\/\ALVS \ AVILAMoS. No decoration.

467 G42 (4) Skeleton Green Braughing Platter TN Hertford Museum 1076 42c4 187 14A01 C Y DIE 14A01
FORM Cam 56
SOURCE import

Central. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; B/B surfaces, no finish survives. Uncertain Reading:- /\\[____] or [____]\V. Originally published as [SMER]TV.

468 C18 (4) Sheepen II Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum TN45 21 01A02 C N Die 01A02 - TORNOS / VOCARI.
Central. TN - .pale fine matrix; very worn B/B surfaces. Border. Reading:- TORN[OS] / VOCA[RI1. 2 IC. CONDITION - stamp trimmed on three sides.
469 St Clare Drive 1940 Lexden cemetery Colchester Cam 8 TN Colchester Museum 326.40 Hull 325 21 01A03 C Y Die 01A03 - TORNOS / VOCARI
Central. TN - .pale fine matrix; very worn B/B surfaces. Border. Reading:- TORN[OS] / VOCA[RI]. 1. 2 IC. CONDITION - restored to complete. CONTEXT - cremation burial
470 Coop Sheepen Rd Sheepen Colchester Cam 8 TN Colchester Museum 30.62 21 02A01 C N Die 02A01
Cam 8. TN - white powdery matrix; patchy pale grey surfaces; no finish survives. Border. Reading:- [TO]RNOS/[VOCARIF]. 1. 1 BRW.
471 1930-646-647 Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum 360.31 21 02B01 C Y Die 02B01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT).
Cam 56L. TN - pale matrix; black surfaces; polished finish. Reading:- TORN[OS]/ VOCAR[IF(ECIT)]. 1. 1RW. .

472 III H21 (2) Sheepen II Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum TN66 21 02B01 C Y Die 02B01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT).
Central; flat base; foot-ring 5x5mm. TN - fine sandy pale matrix; dark grey surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Burnt. Border. Reading:- [TORNOS] / VOCARIF(ECIT). 1. 1 BRW.
473 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C32BS17 21 03C01 C Y Die 03C01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT).
Central. TN - .fine pale matrix; grey-black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower Reading:- TOR[NOS]/ VOC[ARIF(ECIT)]. 1. 2 IC.
474 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum B19 39 01A01 C Y Die 01A01
Central. TN - pale fine matrix; black surfaces; no finish. Circular Reading:- T/[R]/O/X. = TROXOS. No decoration.
475 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum A1 39 03C01 R Y Die 03C01
Cam 5S; moulded narrow foot-ring, Radial. TN - pale sandy matrix; black surfaces; highly polished upper, faceted lower. Reading:- TR[OXOS]. Expansion uncertain - TROXO or TROXOS. Larger letters than Die 02B01but style suggests same die-cutter.

476 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN BM C31BS17 39 02B01 R Y Die 02B01
Radial, broad foot-ring. TN - typical white sandy ware; pale blue-grey surfaces; polished upper, smoothed lower. Reading:- T/\OXOS. 1. DIC outside; 1 BRW inside.

477 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C32BS53 135 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - hard white sandy matrix; mottled B/G; polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- [V]ARI(O)I. 1. 2 single strand RW with stamp between

478 137 Sheepen II Colchester Cup TR 1C Colchester Museum Pit 137 2 15 47 01A01 C Y Die 01A01
Foot-ring bowl or large cup ? Cam 58. TR1C - orange sandy matrix; darker slip; polished upper, streaky lower; badly laminated. . Reading:- SI/L/ V / /\ = ?SILVA(NVS) or V//\/SI/L = VASIL (??). 1. 1 IC. CONDITION - complete base circuit.
479 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C31BS22 40 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; B/B worn surfaces. Reading:- VIIBRVS. 1. 2 RW. CONDITION;- burnt after fracture. Very like V480, but foot-ring widths different.

480 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum A199 40 01A01 R N Radial. TN - hard fine pale matrix; patchy B/G surfaces; highly polished upper, matt lower. Reading:- [VII]BRVS. 1. BRW (+).. Very like V479, but foot-ring widths different.

481 1931H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C31BS18 137 01A01 C Y Central. TN - fine pale matrix; B/G surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- VELVCNIo. 1. 3 grouped BC. CONDITION :- evidence of attempt to cut out stamp.  
482 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C32BS2 138 01A01 R N Radial. TN - fine pale powdery matrix; dark B/G very worn surfaces, no finish. Border. Reading:- VERIL(usd)I/\Mo = VERILAM0 or VERI?(=G)/\Mo = VERIGAMO. 1. 2 grouped BRW.  
483 1934H&H Sheepen I Colchester Platter TN Colchester Museum C34BS15 138 01A01 R Y Radial. TN - pale fine matrix; very worn surfaces, no finish. Reading:- VERIL(usd)I/\Mo = VERILAM0 or VERI?(=G)/\Mo = VERIGAMO. 1. 2 IC, outer edge over-stamped.

484 1932H&H Sheepen I Colchester Cam 56 TN Colchester Museum C32BS57 138 02A01 C Y Die 02A01 Cam 56L. TN - fine pale matrix; B surfaces; highly polished upper, polished lower, unfinished within foot-ring. Border. Abbreviation reading:- VERo. Letters E and o typical of Die-group 01A. 1. 1 IC. CONDITION :- complete base circuit

485 Unknown Sheepen I Colchester Cam 8 TN Colchester Museum 1397.31 139 01A01 C Y Cam 8/7. TN - fine sandy pale matrix; silver grey abraded surfaces, no finish. Border. Reading:- VERVIC[O]. .

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