The stamps table
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Stamp No | context | excavation | findspot | form | fabric | present | inventory | potter No | Die No | pos | def | comment | Reference | |
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1 - 20 of 1228 records
1 | 322 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 7A | TR 1C | BM | 1976 5-1 855 | 30 | 09H01 | C | N | NA LIST 20 FABRIC D. DIE 09H01 Cam 7A. TR 1(C) - pale orange fine sandy matrix; red slip; no finish. Border. Reading:- ACVTVS. 1. 1 BRW. CONTEXT - KHL 322 - PHASE 1. Female |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
2 | 312 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 7A | TR 1B | BM -Norwich Museum | 30 | 09H01 | C | N | DIE 09H01 Cam 7A. TR1B; severely eroded, no finish survives. Border. Reading:- ACVTVS. 1. 1 BRW. Identical to V1. CONTEXT - KHL 312 - PHASE 1. Infant. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | ||
3 | 24 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 56 | TN | BM | P1976 5-1 58 | 2 | 01A01 | C | Y | NA FABRIC B 14164X Cam 56. TN. Border. Reading:- /-\NDECo. 1. 1 IC. . CONTEXT - KHL 24, 1 - PHASE 2. Female. In cluster beyond latest enclosure. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
4 | 93 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 13 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 232 | 3 | 01A01 | C | Y | Die 01A01 - /\TT/\ NA FABRIC A 14182T. Cam 13. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; mottled B/G; polished finish. Border. Reading:- /\TT/\; both A's open: both T's small. 1. 3 evenly spaced IC. CONTEXT - KHL 93 - PHASE 1. Young female. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
5 | 6 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 6 | 4 | 02B01 | C | Y | Die 02B01 NA FABRIC D. 14203Y Cam 8. TN - fine pale laminating matrix; spalled & laminated surfaces; no finish, probably blue-black. Reading:- BENIo. . 1. 2 RW. CONTEXT - KHL 6 - PHASE 4. Adult. . . |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
6 | 365 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 971 | 6 | 01A01 | C | N | Die 01A01 V6 NA FABRIC A 14178W. Cam 8. TN pale fine sandy matrix; probably G/B surfaces but no finish survives. Reading :- BOIIO. Typical Bollos - L with almost no bar. 1. 2IC. CONTEXT - KHL 365 - PHASE 3. ?Child. Burial in cluster beyond enclosures. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
7 | 241 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 54 | TR 2 | BM | 1976 5-1 600 | 7 | 01A01 | C | Y | Cam 54, thin walled. TR 2 - red fine sandy matrix; laminated; polished upper, spalled lower. Reading:- BO.l'lo = BOITO(S). BOLL(usd) o = BOLLO(S). 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - KHL 241 - PHASE 1. Male. Central burial in earliest enclosure. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
8 | 202 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 56 | TR 1C | BM | 1976 5-1 493 | 108 | 01A01 | C | Y | Cam 56s - variant. TR1C - fine sandy orange matrix; dark red slip; polished upper, faceted lower, spalled. Border. Reading:- BOT. T may be L (usd). 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - KHL 202, 3 - PHASE 1. Secondary in earliest enclosure with TN Cam 7. | Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
9 | 150 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 13 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1380 | 9 | 01A01 | C | Y | NA FABRIC B 14175R. Cam 13. TN - pale sandy matrix; blue-black surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- C/-\RISSo/RITVSCI/\. 1. 4IC. CONTEXT - KHL 150 - PHASE 2. In an enclosure. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
10 | 173 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 56 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 429 | 9 | 01A01 | C | N | Cam 56; groove under carination. TN - pale sandy laminating matrix; B/G surfaces; polished upper, faceted lower. Border. Reading:- C/-\RIsso/RITVSCI/\. 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - KHL 173, 1 - PHASE 2. With Cam 1 platter in Mica TN. In cluster beyond earliest enclosure. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
11 | 438 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 1140 | 9 | 01A01 | C | N | NA FABRIC C 14176P Cam 8. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; blue-black surfaces; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- [C/-\RIs]so/[RITVSCI]/\. 1. 1RW. CONTEXT - KHL 438 - PHASE 2. ?Male. In a cluster towards edge of cemetery. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
12 | 325 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 7B | TR 1C | BM | 1976 5-1 866 | 10 | 03C01 | C | Y | Die 03C01 - DANNO / MAROS NA FABRIC D 14168P Cam 7B. TR1C - red sandy matrix; dark red slip; polished upper, matt lower. Formal style. Border. Reading:- DANNO/MAROS. 1. 1 BRW. Dark red sandy matrix; seems to be used only for this platter form and die combination. CONTEXT - KHL 325 - PHASE 1. In a rich grave central to a southern enclosure. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
13 | 423 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 1111 | 11 | 01A01 | C | Y | NA FABRIC A 14191R Cam 8. TN - fine pale matrix; blue-black surfaces; no finish. Border. Reading:- DISETVS. 1. 1 BRW. CONTEXT - KHL 423 - PHASE 3. With a flagon in Silty Ware, in an area beyond the enclosures. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
14 | 52 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1124 | 11 | 01A01 | C | N | NA FABRIC A 14181V Cam 8. TN - pale dense laminating matrix; black surfaces; no finish. Border. Reading:- DISETVS. 1. 1 BRW. Platter identical to GS1. CONTEXT - KHL 52 - PHASE 3. Male. Between earliest & latest enclosures in north range. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
15 | 450 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 7C | TR 1C | BM | P1976,5-1 1166 | 12 | 01A01 | C | Y | NA FABRIC D 14167R Cam 7C; wide, tall foot-ring. TR1C - fine orange matrix; darker slip; polished finish. Border. Reading:- DVROTIX.. 1. 1 triple strand RW. CONTEXT - KHL 450, 1 - PHASE 3. Young female. In the cluster beyond enclosures. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
16 | 149 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | P1976 5-1 377 | 13 | 01A01 | C | Y | Cam 8. TN - pale fine matrix with pellets; blue-black surfaces; no finish. Cursive style. Uncertain reading although letters are large and clear :- EIrO(S) or EIL(usd)O(S) or ELL(usd)O(S) or EIGO(S). 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - KHL 149, 1 - PHASE 2. Adult. Secondary in small southern enclosure. | Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
17 | 305 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 56 | TN | BM | P1976, 5-1, 785 | 14 | 01A01 | C | Y | Cam 56(A)s; convex foot-ring. TN - white sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish, spalled. Uncertain Reading:- EoITO or EoLL(usd)O.. CONTEXT - KHL 305, 3 - PHASE 2. Adult. On northern periphery of cemetery. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
18 | 265 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TR 1C | BM | P1976 5-1 670 | 15 | 01C01 | C | Y | Die 01C01 Cam 8. TR1C - orange fine sandy matrix; darker slip; no finish. Cursive style, poorly shaped letters. Reading:- I/\PPOS. 1. 1 RW. CONTEXT - KHL 265, 1. PHASE - 2. Male. Secondary in enclosure on north range. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
19 | 365 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 56 | TN | BM | P1976, 5-1, 972 | 16 | 01A01 | C | Y | NA FABRIC B 14163Z. Cam 56, v extreme variant. TN - pale matrix; mottled B/B; polished upper, 1/4-round moulding very worn, ? used as a mortar. Reading:- ILIXI. 1. 1 IC. CONTEXT - KHL 365, 2. PHASE - 3. ?Child. In cluster beyond enclosures. |
Stead & Rigby 1989 | |
20 | 462 | King Harry Lane | Verulamium | Cam 8 | TN | BM | 1976 5-1 1201 | 17 | 01A01 | C | N | NA FABRIC C 14165V. Cam 8. TN. Formal style. Border. Reading:- IN[DVTIOS]. 1. 1 BRW. CONTEXT - KHL 462 - PHASE 3. ?Adult. | Stead & Rigby 1989 |