The potters table
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1 - 20 of 386 records
1 | Atesati | Julios | The name is known only combined with that of Jul(l)ios P18 as ATESATI / IVLIOAV[OTIS} which can be transcribed as made by Atesati the slave of Jul(l)ios. The location of the workshops is unknown, but the Marne-Vesle area is most likely. An abbreviation ATE_ P44 could belong. DIES 01A01: the die could have been cut by the same hand as Jul(l)ios P18 Dies 02K01-02 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 12 SOURCE import DISTRIBUTION Sheepen II; Verulamium, Belgic Mint |
2 | Andecos** | Andecovilos | A major supplier to Britain probably worked at one location in the Marne-Vesle potteries for a short period. The products supplied to Britain were stamped with the same 1-line die regardless of the functional form.. The name recurs on 2-line dies as:- ANDEC / OVILOS P97 ANDECO / CATIL(OS) P60 DIES 01A01 DIE-STYLE 1 FABRICS TN, TR1C, TR2 FORMS Cam 8, 13, large platters, Cam 56 SOURCE Trepail DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2) & II but absent from Stanway; Colchester 'Cemetery unknown', KHL; Bagendon; Baldock; Braughing; Brundon, Chichester 'Chapel St'; Odell; Vertault, burnt TR1C; Bavay (BAV58), small platter TN.; Luxembourg Museum, 2 Radial on TR platter. Related 01A dies at Speyer, TN Cam 5; Luxembourg; Kreuznach; Bayeux, TN platter. |
3 | Atta** | NA FABRIC A 14182T. DIES 01A01, 01B01, 01B02, 03C01 DIE-STYLES at least 3 die-cutters. Die 03C01 - ATTA with crossed A, definitely a different die-cutter to Die-groups 01A & 01B with open /\ and uneven letter sizes and Die-group 04D with open /\ and large letters Die 01A01 - /\TT/\ FABRICS TN FORMS Cam13, large platters SOURCE import DATE at Haltern 10BC-AD15 DISTRIBUTION KHL; Sheepen I; Chichester 'East Pallant'; Silchester (2); Haltern TN Cam 2; Lebach TN Cam 2; Lebach, TN Cam 2. Die 01A group listed for Andernach, Mainz, Kreuznach. Dies 01B01 & 01B02 - /\TT/\. Open /\, tall and uneven T. FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE possibly Sept-Saulx, in Marne-Vesle potteries DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Trier (TR19) TN Cam 8; Lebach, TN Cam 5 Die-group 01B at Wederath, TN Cam 56; Lebach. TR Cam 5; Koln, TR platter. Paris; Les Mureaux. DIE 03C01 - ATTA with crossed A FABRIC TN FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I. Die-group 03C at Lebach, TR Cam 56 with coins of Tiberius & Augustus. Listed for Bingen, TR DIE 04D01; die-style does not match A, B or C. Large letters, open /\. FABRIC TR1C FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Braughing; Bavay (BAV11) TN large platter; Lebach Die 04D02 - fragmentary stamp. probably Die 04D01 FABRIC TN FORMS small platter SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen II; Die 04H01 - /-\ with bar to the right. Uncertain reading but probably ATTA FABRIC TN/CW FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL |
4 | Benio I** | NA FABRIC D DIES 01A01, 01E01, 02B01, 02C01 DIE-STYLES 2 different die-cutters were shared by Benio I and Bent(i)o/Benio II to stamp import quality TN. Characteristics shared by Die-group 01A are most notably the reversed and sloping \/\, B consists of 2 separate strokes, E has a tail and O is large and round. Die-group 03A is as 01A with dotted O. Die-group 03A is as 01A with dotted O. Die group 02B has a very wide sloping /\/. There are at least two does used to stamp a set of Cam 16 copies in bonfire-fired sandy coarse wares reading BE\/\TO and BENIO. Die 02C01 reads BE/\/IO, P4, and the die appears to have been cut by the same hand as Die 02B01 in TN. Die 03D01 reads BE\/\To, P5. All B-group dies seem to have been cut by the same hand. Die 01A01 - BENIO FABRICS TN, minor TR1C FORMS Cam 8, small platters SOURCE possibly Sept-Saulx where name recorded on an unrelated die DATE AD40-65 DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I & II (3); Ardleigh; Bagendon; Canterbury; Mount Bures, Silchester; Trier (TR98), Trier TN Cam 8; Nijmegen Cemeteries O, E & S, Cam 8 TR (1) TN (7); Paris; Beaumont-sur-Oise; Cologne; Xanten; Moyland. Die 01E01 FABRIC Tn only FORM Cam 8 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Rainham Creek; relted die at Nihjmegen 28a, on the underside off beakers. Die 02B01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE possibly Sept-Saulx where name recorded on an unrelated die DATE AD40-65 DISTRIBUTION KHL; Odell; Nijmegen; Cemetery S, TN Cam 8 (6); Trier, Paris; Noyelles-Godault. Die 02C01 FABRICS CW bonfire fired sandy FORMS Cam 16 copy SOURCE should be a local workshop DATE AD 50-85 DISTRIBUTION Pepper Hill cemetery |
5 | Bent(i)o | Benios II | See P4 and 5 for related products of Benio I and Binio \ Benio III DIES 03A01, 03D01 - BENTO DIE-STYLES 2, Die-group 03A noted for dotted O and reversed \/\. Die 03A01 FABRICS TN only FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I & II, Faversham, London, Harlington, Heybridge, Nijmegen, Cemetery S, TN Cam 8 Die 03D01 FABRIC CW bonfire fired sandy FORM Cam 16 copy SOURCE workshop local to the Upchurch marshes DATE AD 50-85 DISTRIBUTION Pepper Hill cemetery |
6 | Bollo** | Bollus | NA FABRIC A 14178W A varied grouping; see also Bollus P24 & BOII[__] P8. DIE 01A01 & 01A02 = Bollo BOLLI = Die-group 02B, L with serifs otherwise similar letters B & O to Die-group 01A. At Trier (TR176) TR Cam 5; Arlon; Bavay; Dalheim, TR platter; Fort de Compigne; Prunay; Trier, TR platters (4); Mainz, TR cup & ? TN; Gabsheim, TR Cam 3; Noyelles-Godault, TN Cam 7C; Weinheim. Abbreviations BOLL - 03X01 03Z01, 04Y01 are possibly related Die-group 03 are abbreviations which probably belong to BOLLI rather than BOLLO BOLLO/AVOTI - Trier 'St Matthias' TR1C Cam 8, also TR cup; Weisenau, TR platter; Worms, TR platters (2). DIE-STYLES at least 3 Die 01A01 FABRICS TN, TR1C FORMS Cam 8, & large platters SOURCE Thuisy Kiln 7 is a possible source (Mz Zt 1944, p 229), Rheims (Habert 190) &Trepail DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Sheepen I Die 01A group at Trier, TR cup; Rheims, TR platter. Die 01A02 FABRICS TR1C FORMS Cam 3 SOURCE Thuisy Kiln 7 is a possible source (Mz Zt 1944, p 229), Rheims (Habert 190) &Trepail DATE DISTRIBUTION Canterbury; Chlons-sur-Marne Die 01A group at Trier, TR cup; Rheims, TR platter. Die 01B01 - BOLLO? Totally different die-style to other die-groups, but no other name matches. Best match for style are 2-liners at Trier 'St Matthais'; Weisenau FABRIC TR1C FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen Die-group 03 is abbreviations which probably belong to BOLLI rather than BOLLO but could also belong to Sollos P38 Die 03X01 - BOLL? FABRICS TR1C FORMS small platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 03Z01 - BOLL? FABRICS TR1C FORMS small platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Chichester 1987 Die 04Y01 - BOLL? FABRICS TR1C FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Gosbecks Mainz (Mz Zt 1912, vol viii, Abb 11, 7) retrograde stamp BOLLI on TR cup. |
7 | BOITO ' | BOLLO | A single Idiosyncratic cursive die-style with uneven letters and stops. Uncertain reading, name unknown. - BO.l'lo = BOITO(S). Middle strokes may be L (rev)T = BOLTO: L (rev)L (usd) = BOLLO: T(usd)T = BOTTO(S). Overall the style relates to a group of four other dies with difficult to read uncertain names. See B:ICo P292 for a discussion of this style. DIE 01A01. FABRICS TR2 & TN {TR1B at Norme} FORMS Cup Cam 54 {small platter} SOURCE import. Marne-Vesle DATE before AD25 DISTRIBUTION Verulamium, KHL Cemetery; Silchester; Norme 'les Grands Arbres' (EP4), TR1B small platter. |
8 | BO[____] | Not recognised | Name not recognised. Two dies:- 01A01; 02B01. | |
9 | Carisso** | Rituscia | FABRIC B, NA 14175R. NA FABRIC C 14176P Only one die has been identified its distribution is wide and suggests that the slave Carisso worked for a master, Rituscia, for a limited time at one location. The output included Cam 8 and Cam 13 platters and Cam 56 cups, chiefly in TN. The name Carisso occurs on 1-line dies and may mean that Carisso went on the work alone. Rituscia is not recorded separately. DIE 01A01 DIE-STYLE Typical letters; - A with bar to right, usually missing; large R; small s; tiny o, small T; FABRICS mainly TN, TR1C FABRIC B, 14175R and FABRIC C, 14176P stamped with same die FORMS Cam 8, 8/7, 13, 56 SOURCE ?Marne-Vesle potteries DATE Trier, TN cup 'in Tiberian grave' DISTRIBUTION KHL (3); Sheepen I; Silchester; Wilmington; Bavay (BAV8) TN Cam 12; Nijmegen, Cemeteries O and E, TN Cam 8 (3 each); Trier, TN cup; Andernach; Strasbourg, TN cup |
10 | Dannomaros**$ | NA FABRIC D 14168P ICP Dannomaros supplied Haltern so is one of the earliest recorded potters. There are 3 different versions of the name. DIES 01A01, 01B01, 02B01, 03C01. C-dies probably cut by same hand as Tornos Vocari A-dies DIE-STYLES 2 1-line and 1, or more, 2-line bordered dies with formal style letters Die 01A01 - DANN FABRICS TR 1(B), TR!(C_ FORMS small & large platters SOURCE possibly Rheims DATE at Haltern DISTRIBUTION Fishbourne; Silchester; Sheepen; Haltern, TR Cam 5; Bavay, TR Radial. Die 02B01 - DANNoM FABRICS TR (1), TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import ? Rheims DATE 1 Die at Haltern DISTRIBUTION Braughing; Sheepen I; Dalheim (DAL16) TN. Die 03C01 - DANNO / MAROS FABRICS TR 1(C),TN FORMS Cam 7B, Cam 56 SOURCE import ? Rheims DATE at Haltern DISTRIBUTION KHL; Braughing; Sheepen I; Coblenz-Neuendorf, Poitiers; Brussels. |
11 | Disetus** | NA FABRIC A 14191R. NA FABRIC A 14181V DIE 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 {Cam 13} SOURCE possibly Trier DATE DISTRIBUTION So far only in the Verulamium region - KHL & Prae Wood; Trier (TR177) Trier TN Cam 13. |
12 | Durotix** | NA FABRIC D 14167R ICP SAMPLE Die 01A01 R714 Although not recorded at Haltern, the die-styles, forms and TR fabrics are late Augustan. The abbreviation DVR, 03B01 DIES 01A01, 01B01, 02B01, 03B01 DIE-STYLES 2. Formal letters; die-maker could be same as Acutus I P30. FABRICS TR1C, TR2 Die 01A01 - DVROTIX FORMS Cam 7C, small platters SOURCE possibly Rheims or Courmelois DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Sheepen I & II. Die-group 01A on TR at Compigne; Trier. Die 01B01 - DVROTIX FORMS small & large platters SOURCE Rheims or Marne-Vesle DATE DISTRIBUTION Baldock; Sheepen II Die 02B01 - DVROTIX.F FORMS large platters SOURCE import. Die at Epernay museum DATE DISTRIBUTION West Coker; Hauvin 'Arnel'; Rheims; Weisenau; Xanten; Arlon. Die 03B01 - DVR FABRIC TR1C FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE Rheims or Marne-Vesle DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I |
13 | EIrO \ EIGO ' | ELLO | Uncertain reading, name unknown. DIE 01A01 FABRIC TN FORMS Cam 8, Cam 15 SOURCE import DATE AD25-65 KHL PHASE 2. DISTRIBUTION KHL; Sheepen I (2); Nijmegen |
14 | EOITO | Uncertain | The style is noticeably cursive with letters of elongated shape and uneven size interspersed with stops. Overall it relates to a group of four other dies with difficult to read uncertain names, they are BIC:o P292, BOITo P7, LIE:CI P277 and Opposed R P276. All are recorded on cups suggesting that the name was shortened to fit the base size. P7 and P277 are on the short-lived early Cam 54 in TR recovered from Late Augustan burials. indicating an early date for the die-style generally DIE 01A01 The arrangement resembles P7 Boitos\Bollos, If the initial E = B then same reading follows but on a different die. FABRIC TN FORMS Cam 56s SOURCE import DATE AD25-65, KHL PHASE 2 DISTRIBUTION KHL |
15 | Iappos | Die-group 02B stands apart from the remainder in the spelling, the broad strokes of the letters and the unusual use of spots randomly scattered between letters. The letters of Die-group 01C are all poorly shaped by comparison. Three die-cutters were used. DIES 01A01 , 02B01, 01C01 DIE-STYLES 3. Die 01A01 FABRICS chiefly TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2) Die-group 01A at Strasbourg Museum, TN Cam 5; Nijmegen, Cemetery O, TR Cam 8. Die 02B01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 2, Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE .. DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (3) Die-group 02B at Trier (TR16) 'St Matthias' TR1C Cam 56S; Wederath (TR 159) TR1C Cam 56S; Speyer 'Judenbad' TR Cam 56; Weisenau; Bingen TN Cam 58. Die 01C01 FABRICS TR, TN FORMS Cam 8, cup SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Braughing: Dragonby |
16 | Ilixi** | NA FABRIC B 14163Z. DIE 01A01. Cursive style. FABRICS TN, TN/CW FORMS Cam 56S SOURCE import; ?Colchester DATE AD40-65 DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; White Notley; KHL |
17 | Indutios** | Three forms of the name are recorded and are matched by two or three die-styles. Die-group 01A bordered, clear letters reading INDVTIOS and Die-group 01B, reading INDVTIO, bordered could be by the same die-cutter. Die-group 03C reads INDVHO = INDV<TI>O and is in a different hand. DIES 01A01, 03C01 DIE-STYLES 2 at least Die 01A01 FABRICS TN {TR} FORMS Cam 8, small platter {Cam 5} SOURCE possibly Thuisy; a Radial stamp published as reading NDVTI (MZ ZT 1942-3, p 9, Abb 6) DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Silchester; Fouches, TR1B Cam 5; Luxembourg Museum, platters, TR (3), TN (1); Evreux, TN; Die 03C01 FABRICS TN {TR} FORMS Cam 8 {Cam 56} SOURCE import . DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I; Wederath (TR 152) TR1C Cam 8; Epernay Museum (EP2) TN; Nijmegen, Cemetery O TN Cam 56 |
18 | Jul(l)ios I**$ | NA FABRIC A - V138 Die 01A01; FABRIC B - V139 Die 02H01, V520 Die 01B01; V544 Die 04G07 14196S ICP SAMPLES Dies 02H01, 03G03, 03G05, 03G06, 07G01(BOLD), 07G02 (CW) By some way the most common Name on TN in Britain with at least 65 stamps representing 23 different dies, the Jul(l)ios I assemblage exceeds the complete stamp-lists for any other British site. Probably the most unexpected fact however is that the range of dies represented at Colchester far exceeds that so far recorded for all continental sites. Stamps are recorded at both Haltern and Hofheim demonstrating that the name was used for at least two generations between AD1 and AD45 whilst the form range implies a longer span of nearer 65 years. For an early detailed discussion on the potter or potters Jul(l)ios / Julius see Rigby 1981. Subsequent finds at Colchester on the Culver Street and Gosbecks Sites have added complications to the date range with new 2-line dies on Cam form 16 platters. Dies only represented at Colchester could indicate that a potter Jul(l)ios worked there possibly even in the pre-Claudian period. The current shortage of continental finds is more likely to be the result of inadequate sampling. One likely contender if IVLLOS P25 with dies on both TN and a CW copy. DIES 01A01, 01A04, 01B01, 01C01, 01T01, 02E01, 02F01, 02G01, 02G02, 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05, 02J01,02J02, 02J03, 02J04, 02K01, 02K02, 03G03, 03G05, 03G06, 04G07, 06O01, 07G01, 08R01, 08R02, 09X01, 10Z01, 11Z01, 12Z01 DIE-STYLES 4 main styles but anything up to 12 different hands cut the dies. Die 01A01 - IVLIO FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Thatcham 'Crookham House'; Trier (TR 51) TN Cam 56S; Wederath TB Cam 56L. Die-group 01A at Dalheim, TN cup Die 01A04 - IVIIO, poorly shaped L. FABRIC ITN FORM Cam 56 SOURCE ?import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 01B01 - IVLIO FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56, small platter SOURCE import. . DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (2) Die group 01B at Caudebec-les-Elbeuf Die 01C01 - IOVA(usd) / IVLIO. A most unusual die which has to be read from opposite directions, and the potter's name IVLIO is on the second line, with AVOTI on the top line. This die-cutter clearly had problems. FABRICS TN FORMS small platters SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Chichester 'Chapel St' Related 2-line dies read IOVA / IVLIO from one direction at Trier; Meckel; Speyer 'Judenbad' TN platter; Lebach, Cam 16 Die 01T01 - IVLIO / I' EC(I)T. Note FECIT replaces AVOTIS. FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 58 SOURCE import. DATE AD50-75 DISTRIBUTION Lake Farm Die-group 01T at Bavay 463 Die 02E01 - IVLIOS FABRICS TN {TR} FORMS Cam 56 {large platter} SOURCE import. DATE Die or Die group at Haltern DISTRIBUTION Braughing (2); Sheepen I; Silchester; Haltern TR large platter Die 02F01 - IVLIOS FABRICS TN {TR, TR1A} FORMS large & small platters{Cam 56} SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Verulamium; Sheepen I (2); Folio Society Tournai (Deru info) TR1A large platter; Hofheim, TR Cam 56; Bavay Dies 02G01, 02G02 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56, small platters SOURCE import. Chemical analysis of Die-groups 02G & 02H produced related results so Marne-Vesle sure. DATE DISTRIBUTION Baldock (2) & 'Icknield way Burial '; Sheepen I (4); Verulamium Dies 03G03, 03G05 - IVLLIO, back sloping L & letter O in 2 strokes FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 5B, Cam 56, small platters SOURCE Marne/Vesle. DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (6) & II; Nijmegen Cemetery S TN Cam 8. Die 03G06 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56, Cam 8 SOURCE Marne/Vesle DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I & II (2); Colchester Fortress; Snailwell Grave; Thatcham 'Crookham House' Die 04G08 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 5, Cam 8, Cam 14, Cam 56 SOURCE Marne/Vesle DATE DISTRIBUTION Baldock 'Icknield Way Burial'; Fishbourne; Duston; Sheepen I & II; Kent Dies 02H01, 02H02, 02H03, 02H05 - IVL:IoS, L with curled bar, small o and note spots between letters. FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 5, Cam 8, Cam 56, small & large platters SOURCE Marne/Vesle Die-group 02H at Louvercy & Trepail. Chemical analysis of Die-groups 02G & 02H produced related results so Marne-Vesle sure. DATE DISTRIBUTION Fishbourne; Silchester; Thatcham 'Crookham House'; Deal; Canterbury; Sheepen I (6) & Sheepen II; Nijmegen, Cemetery 0, TN Cam 8; Wederath, TN Cam 8; Lebach, TN Cam 56. Die group 02H at Hunnerberg, TN & TR Cam 56;Nijmegen, Cemetery O, Cam 12; Andernach 'Agrippastrasse', TN Cam 8/7 Dies 02J01, 02J02, 02J04 FABRICS TN FORMS large platters SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (5) Die 02J03 FABRICS TN FORMS small platters SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 02J04 FABRICS TN FORMS small platters SOURCE import. DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 02K01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8, small platters SOURCE import. DATE AD50-75 DISTRIBUTION Gosbecks; Sheepen I (1), Nijmegen, Cemetery S, TN Cam 8; Hunnerberg, TR Cam 58; Die 02K02 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE import. DATE AD50-75 DISTRIBUTION Gosbecks; |
19 | Julius ** | ICPS SAMPLE Die unknown R717 NA FABRIC B 14173V. NA FABRIC C. NA FABRIC C 14180X Note that two examples of Die 01A01 are on TR1A, one radial on a platter that appears to be Cam 17 and so is classified as Pompeian redware , the second on a cup Cam 54 and so is classified as Gallo-Belgic. DIES 01A01, 02B01 DIE-STYLES 2 Die 01A01 FABRICS TR1A (Pompeian redware, TN; FORMS Cam 56, large flat platter Cam 17? {Cam 54} SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION London; Braughing; Nijmegen, Cemetery 0 TR Cam 11/2; Metz, Cam 54 TR1A Die 02B01 FABRICS TN, TR1(C) FORMS Cam 12, Cam 56 SOURCE import Die group 02B possibly at Louvercy Kilns where 2 stamps may belong to this group. DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL (3); Sheepen I. Die-group 06N Trier (TR 54) TR Cam 56 (TR 55) TN Cam 56 (TR 186) Trier TN Cam 56; Metz (ME1) TR1A Cam 53; Chalons-sur-Marne (CSM 2) TN Cam 56; Nandin 1974-5, Cam 56; Xanten.; Vertault Cam 56 TN |
20 | Scaneti** | NA FABRIC D 14183R. NA FABRIC A 14177Y DIES 01A01, 02B01, 03B01. . DIE-STYLES Die 01A01 small clear but not evenly cut letters. Dies 02B01 and 03B01 cursive style using tall thin letters and a ligature, cut by the same hand Die 01A01 - SCAN / ETI FABRICS TR1B FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Sheepen I; Ubbergen, TR cup (2); Nijmegen Die 02B01 - SCA<NET>I FABRICS TR1C FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Nijmegen. Die 03B01 - SCAN FABRICS TR1C FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Colchester 'Cemetery unknown' Hull Grave 614; Nijmegen, TR Cam 56 (2). |