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Webster 1958 Webster, G, 1958, The Roman military advance under Ostorius Scapula, Archaeol J 115, 49-98 West Coker
Webster 1959 Webster, G, 1959, Cirencester: Dyer Court Excavation, 1957, Trans Bristol Gloucestershire Archaeol Soc 78, 44-85 Cirencester
Webster 2002 Webster, G, 2002, The Legionary fortress at Wroxeter. Excavations by Graham Webster, 1955-86. (Edited by J. Chadderton), English Heritage Archaeol Rep 19 Wroxeter
Wedlake 1958 Wedlake, W J, 1958, Excavations at Camerton, Somerset, Camerton Excav. Club Camerton
Wheeler 1943 Wheeler, R E M, 1943, Maiden Castle, Dorset, Rep Res Comm Soc Antiq London No 12, Oxford Maiden Castle
Wheeler 1946 Wheeler, R E M, 1946, London in Roman times, London Museum Catalogues No. 3, London London
Wheeler 1954 Wheeler, R E M, 1954, The Stanwick fortifications, North Riding of Yorkshire, Rep Res Comm Soc Antiq London No 17, Oxford Stanwick
Wheeler & Wheeler 1936 Wheeler, R E M & T V, 1936, Verulamium. A Belgic and two Roman cities, Rep Res Comm Soc Antiq London, 11, Oxford Prae Wood
White 1935 White, G M, 1935, Gallo-Belgic wares, Chichester, in S.E.Winbolt, 1935, 156-9 Chichester
Wickenden 1986 Wickenden, N, 1986, Prehistoric settlement and the Romano-British 'small-town' at Heybridge, Essex, Essex Archaeol Hist 17, 7-68 Heybridge
Williams 1947 Williams, A, 1947, Canterbury excavations in 1945, Arch Cantiana 60, 68-100 Canterbury
Williams 1975 Williams, J H, 1975, Excavations at Gravel Walk, Canterbury, 1967, Arch Cantiana 91, 119-43 Canterbury
Williams 1985 Williams, D F, 1985, Petrological analysis of the mortaria, in R. Niblett 1985, 93 Sheepen II
Williams 1993 Williams, T, 1993, The archaeology of Roman London Volume 3. Public buildings in the south-west quarter of Roman London, CBA Res Rep 88 London
Williams et al. 1995 Williams, R J, Hart, P J and Williams, A T L, 1995, Wavendon Gate. A late Iron Age and Roman settlement in Milton Keynes, Buckingham Archaeol Soc monog ser no. 10 Wavendon Gate
Williams & Zeepvat 1994 Williams, R J and Zeepvat, R J, 1994, Bancroft: a Late Bronze Age/Iron Age settlement, Roman villa and temple-mausoleum: Vol 1 Excavations and building materials; Vol 2 Finds and environmental evidence, Buckinghamshire Archaeol Soc monog 7 Bancroft
Willis 1994 Willis, S H, 1994, Aspects of pottery assemblages of the Late Iron Age/ first century AD in the East and North East of England, unpub. PhD thesis, Durham University 1st c pottery
Willis forthcoming Willis, S P, forthcoming, The Iron Age and Roman pottery, in R. Jackson forthcoming, The Roman settlement of Ariconium, near Weston-under-Penyard, Herefordshire: an assessment and synthesis of the evidence. Ariconium
Wilson 1955 Wilson, A E, 1955, Sussex in the eve of the Roman conquest, Sussex Archaeol Coll 93, 59-77 Kingston Buci
Wilson 1956 Wilson, A E, 1956, The beginnings of Roman Chichester, Sussex Archaeol Coll 94, 100-43 Chichester
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