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941 - 960 of 1602 records
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Hertfordshire Verulamium King Harry Lane Italian 'arretine'    
Hertfordshire Verulamium King Harry Lane South Gaulish samian    
Hertfordshire Verulamium Stadium Cemetery Coarseware copies butt beakers from other burials in cemetery.
Hertfordshire Verulamium Ver mus car park No records    
Hertfordshire Welwyn Lockleys 1937 Fineware Cam 113 butt-beaker  
Hertfordshire Welwyn Lockleys 1937 Coarseware copies platters/cups  
Hertfordshire Welwyn Lockleys 1937 Coarseware copies butt beakers  
Humberside Brough-on-Humber Wacher 1969 Fineware South Gaulish samian  
Humberside Brough-on-Humber Wacher 1969 Amphora Dressel 2-4  
Humberside Brough-on-Humber Wacher 1969 Mortaria   North Gaulish mortarium ?Bavai. Stamped Privatus AD 65-95.
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Amphora Dressel 20 31 rims mainly C2 but at least 2 rims typologically dated AD 30-50 and three AD 50-70. The former from LIA ditches.
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Coins   see Vol 1
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Amphora Rhodian Two spikes probably from Rhodian style winr amphora from Eastern Mediterranean, late 1st century BC - early 2nd century.
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Fineware South Gaulish samian  
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Fineware Micaceous TN Cam 51c vase bobine - minimum of 3 egs (May 1996, fig. 21.1.1502-3).
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Fineware Central Gaulish glazed ware One sherd.
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Fineware Cam 113 butt-beaker c 142 vessels recorded as butt beakers and imitations. Imports first appear in Ceramic stages 8 and 9, probably just before the conquest.
Humberside Dragonby May excavations Amphora Dressel 2-4 x1 handle and 8 bodysherds, all Italian in origin. Some of the bodysherds could possibly be from Dr 1 forms.
Humberside North Ferriby Red Cliff III 1986 Amphora Dressel 2-4  
Humberside North Ferriby Wright Colln. Fineware Whiteware flagon (Clark 1939, 235).
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