The assoc_finds table

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Herefordshire Ariconium various Amphora Dressel 20  
Herefordshire Ariconium various Mortaria North Gaul  
Herefordshire Ariconium various Fineware Central Gaulish glazed ware  
Herefordshire Ariconium various Fineware South Gaulish samian  
Hereford & Worcs Droitwich Old Bowling Green Amphora Dressel 20 Rees 1992.
Hereford & Worcs Droitwich Old Bowling Green Fineware Lyon ware Rees 1992.
Hertfordshire Aubrey nr M1 junction 8 Coarseware copies butt beakers  
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Coarseware copies platters/cups  
Hertfordshire Baldock Icknield Way 1957 No records    
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Amphora Dressel 1 sp One rim.
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware Micaceous TN Six platter sherds (Rigby 1986, table 11, fig. 92.25-26).
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware Italian 'arretine' Plate stamped ATEI[..]E.
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware Central Gaulish glazed ware  
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware Cam 113 butt-beaker At least 50 butt beakers in a white sandy ware.
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Coins   Gallo-Belgic Dc (Mack 41) x1; British Lx (North of Thames Group) x2; British Lx\22; Mack 274 x2; British Lx 24; Mack 227 Dubnovellaunos; Tasciovanus (x12); Andoco (x1); Cunobelin (x27); potin (x4 Class II).
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Amphora Dressel 1A One complete (Stead & Rigby 1985, 235)
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Amphora Dressel 2-4 One base.
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware Micaceous TR One platter base (Rigby 1986, table 11).
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Fineware South Gaulish samian  
Hertfordshire Baldock Stead & Rigby 1986 Amphora Dressel 20 48 sherds.
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