The assoc_finds table

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Hampshire Winchester Lower Brook St '69; '71 Fineware South Gaulish samian  
Hampshire Winchester Lower Brook St '69; '71 Fineware Lyon ware x16 sherds
Hampshire Winchester Lower Brook St '69; '71 Fineware Central Gaulish glazed ware x5 sherds
Hampshire Winchester Lower Brook St '69; '71 Coarseware Pompeian Red 3 x5 sherds
Hampshire Winchester Castle Yard 1969 Fineware Micaceous TN CY69 TrX 1145 [988] basesherd of micaceous TN
Hampshire Winchester Castle Yard 1969 Fineware Cam 113 butt-beaker British rather than imported.
Hampshire Winchester Castle Yard 1969 Coarseware Pompeian Red 1 CY69 TrIXK 1287 [816]
Hampshire Winchester Winnall Estate Fineware South Gaulish samian Collis 1978
Hampshire Winchester Milland 1930 Fineware South Gaulish samian Collis 1978
Hampshire Winchester Milland 1930 Fineware Lyon ware Collis 1978
Hampshire Winchester Little Minster St'06 Fineware South Gaulish samian form 23.
Hampshire Winchester Little Minster St'06 Coarseware copies platters/cups  
Hampshire Winchester Little Minster St'06 Amphora Dressel 20  
Hampshire Winchester Hyde St Coarseware copies platters/cups platter and cup
Hampshire Winchester Hyde St Coarseware copies butt beakers  
Hampshire Winchester George Hotel Fineware South Gaulish samian Neronian c 50-70
Hampshire Winchester George Hotel Fineware Lyon ware cups
Hampshire Worthy Down Hooley 1931 Coarseware copies platters/cups  
Herefordshire Ariconium various Fineware Cam 113 butt-beaker  
Herefordshire Ariconium various Amphora Miscellaneous Haltern 70 and Dressel 7-11/ Beltran I type.
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