The excavations table

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461 - 478 of 478 records
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Worth Castle Field 1925 Religious Temple TR 33 56
Worth Dickson's Corner Religious Temple TR 33 56
Worth fieldwalking Chance find Unknown TR 33 56
Worthy Down Hooley 1931 Civil Minor settlement SU 45 35
Wroxeter Webster 1955-85 Military Legionary fortress SJ 56 8
Wyboston Tebbutt 1957 Civil Farmstead TL 16 56
Wycomb Corinium Museum Civil Small town SP 2 19
Wycomb Syreford Mill 1973-7 Civil Small town SP 2 19
Yarnton Hey Civil Minor settlement SP 47 12
York Jewbury Civil Colonia SE 60 52
York NW Defences Military Legionary fortress SE 60 52
York St Mary's Abbey Military Legionary fortress SE 60 52
York Wellington Row Civil Colonia SE 60 52
York York Minster Military/civil Fortress/later town SE 60 52
York 21-23 Aldwark Military/civil Fortress/later town SE 60 52
York 41 Piccadilly Civil Colonia SE 60 52
York Bedern Military Legionary fortress SE 60 52
York Blake St Military Legionary fortress SE 60 52
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