Stamp number 871
Stamp No | 871 |
form | Cam 56 |
fabric | TR 1B |
excavation | Skeleton Green |
context | G24 Burial L |
present | Hertford Museum |
inventory | 901 G24 Burial L |
vr_cat_no | SG3 |
potter No | 277 |
Die No | 01A01 |
def | Y |
pos | C |
comment | Cam 54 or 56L. TR1B - cream sandy matrix; coral red slip, flaked & laminated; highly polished upper, worn lower. Uncertain Reading:- LIECI: No decoration. CONDITION:- base roughly trimmed at top edge of cornice for re-use as a lid. CONTEXT - Burial L. Used as lid for flagon in a cremation dated to the Antonine period at Skeleton Green. |
name1 | LIECI: |
name2 | Uncertain |
comment | The style is noticeably cursive with letters of elongated shape and uneven size interspersed with stops. Overall it relates to a group of four other dies with difficult to read uncertain names, they are BIC:o P292, BOITo P7, EOITO(S) P14 and Opposed R P276. All are recorded on cups suggesting that the name was shortened to fit the base size. P7 and P277 are on the short-lived early Cam 54 in TR recovered from Late Augustan burials. indicating an early date in the period before AD15 for the die-style generally , DIE 01A01 DIE-STYLE note the use of : in the name FABRICS TR1B {TR1A} FORMS Cam 54 or 56 (Cam 53} SOURCE import DATE Die or Die group, at Haltern15BC-AD10 & Wincheringen so about as early as you can get. DISTRIBUTION Braughing; Mainz TR cup; Wincheringen (TR173-4) TR1A Cam 53; Titelberg (TI 11, 14,15, 17) TR1B Cam 53; Speyer museum TR Cam 54 |