Stamp number 461
Stamp No | 461 |
form | Cam 56 |
fabric | TN |
excavation | Cemetery unknown |
context | 1920 Wheeler |
present | Colchester Museum |
inventory | 3936.20 |
vr_cat_no | 379 |
potter No | 21 |
Die No | 04D01 |
def | Y |
pos | C |
comment | Die 04D01 - TORNO Cam 56L. TN - .pale fine sandy matrix; B/B surfaces; polished finish Reading:- IORNO. No decoration. . CONDITION - complete but for chipped rim. Interior cornice worn away, it looks as if the cup was used for mixing. GRAFFITO on exterior. CONTEXT - probably a burial; found with V244. .? May 1930, pl V, 42 |
name1 | Tornos** |
name2 | Vocari |
comment | NA FABRIC A 14171Z. NA FABRIC C. NA FABRIC C. The implication is that Tornos was the slave of Vocari. The firm possibly shared a die-cutter with Dannomaros. A potter Tornos certainly worked alone using 1-line dies but they were cut by a different hand. Similarly, a potter Vocara P26 also worked alone and used both 1-line and 2-line dies produced by a third die-cutter.. DIES 2-line dies - 01A01,01A02,01A03,01A04,01A05,02A01,02B01,03C01. 1-line dies 04D01, 04D02. Abbreviation 05E01 DIE-STYLES 2 for 2-line dies, 1 for 1-line & 1 for abbreviation Die 01A01 FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 7, cups SOURCE import Die-group 01A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Braughing Stamps from related A-dies occur on TN platters at Trier, Mainz, Kln, Nijmegen, Wederath, Kln; Fremersdorf, Cam 7C Die 01A02 - TORNOS / VOCARI. FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE import Die-groups 01A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION Foxton Grave; Eccles; Sheepen II; Andernach, Martinsberg Cemetery; Titelberg, TN cup; Luxembourg museum, TN platter; Novaesium, Cam 2; Ubbergen, TN cup; Paris; Gondorf; Grugelborn; Wendel Cemetery, Rheims - CIL 2985 Die 01A03 - TORNOS / VOCARI FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE import Die-groups 01A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION Lexden Cemetery, St Clare Drive burial Die 01A04 - TORNOS / VOCARI FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 8 SOURCE import Die-groups 01A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION unknown-Ashmolean museum. Die 01A05 - [___]IOS /[___]I = [__]NOS / [__]I = TORNOS / VOCARI; too few letters to complete the reading. FABRICS TN FORMS small platter SOURCE import Die-groups 01A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 02A01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT). FABRICS TN1A, TN FORMS Cam 7C, Cam 8, Cam 56 SOURCE import Die-groups 02A at Trepail (3) DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL (2); Sheepen I; Troyes. Die 02B01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT). FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56, small platters SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I & II; Trier (TR89) TR1C Cam 7 in typical Acvtvs ware Die 03C01 - TORNOS / VOCARIF(ECIT). FABRIC TN FORM small platter SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 04D01 - TORNO. Possibly Tornos working alone or alternatively a second Tornos. FABRIC TN FORM Cam 56 {Cam 8, large platters} SOURCE Die at Trepail DATE DISTRIBUTION Colchester 'Cemetery unknown'; Trepail; ?Novaesium, Cam 2. Die 04D02 - IORNO. Possibly Tornos working alone or alternatively Tornos II FABRIC TN FORM Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I Die 05E01 TO<FE> abbreviation for TO(NOS) FE(CIT) FABRICS TN FORMS Cam 56 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION KHL; Braughing |