Stamp number 415
Stamp No | 415 |
form | Cam 8 |
fabric | TR 1C |
excavation | Sheepen |
context | Sheepen Rd allotment |
present | Colchester Museum |
inventory | 27.62 |
vr_cat_no | 59 |
potter No | 64 |
Die No | 01B01 |
def | Y |
pos | C |
comment | Die 01B01 - probably not the same die-cutter as 01A01 Cam 8/7. TR1C - red fine sandy matrix; darker slip; polished upper, matt lower. Border. Reading:- MAROSI. 1. 1 single strand RW. Calver Collection found on Sheepen Rd allotments |
name1 | Marosi |
name2 | |
comment | DIES 01A01, 01B01 DIE-STYLES 1 or 2. . Die 01A01 The same die-cutter as Jul)l)ios Die-group 02H. FABRICS TR1C {TN} FORMS large & small platters {Cam 2} SOURCE import DATE AD10-40? Weisenau is said to be Augustan. DISTRIBUTION Silchester; Sheepen; Nijmegen, Cemetery WW. Die-group A at Bingen; Weisenau; Hannogne (RTL 11). Luxembourg Museum, TR (13), TN (3). Vertault, TN Cam 2 Die 01B01 - probably not the same die-cutter as 01A01 FABRICS TR1C FORMS Cam 8/7 SOURCE import DATE DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I |