Stamp number 69

Stamp No 69
form Platter
fabric TN
excavation Wheeler
context D18
present Verulamium Museum
inventory PW46
vr_cat_no V8
potter No 46
Die No 01A01
def N
pos C
comment Cam 7 or 8. TN - pale fine sandy matrix; B/G surfaces. no finish survives. Reading:- REL/-\N] or BELAN; REL<SA[>N] or BEL<SA[>N]. 1. 1 RW.

name1 Rel(s)an '
name2 Bel(s)an
comment Uncertain name, the reading can be - RELAN or BELAN, RELSAN or BELSAN. The initial letter joins the border and so can be read as R or B. Letter A with bar to the right appears to be ligatured to a previous S but it can be interpreted as cursive curled A
DIE 01A01
FORMS small platters
SOURCE import
DISTRIBUTION Prae Wood; Sheepen I & II.
Same die group Hunnerberg. BELAN occurs at Haltern.

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