Stamp number 402

Stamp No 402
form Platter
fabric TN
excavation Sheepen I
context Unknown
present Colchester Museum
inventory ? part of V403
vr_cat_no 133
potter No 123
Die No 01A01
def Y
pos R
comment Radial. TN - sandy white matrix; mottled pale B/G surfaces; polished finish. Border. Reading:- MARIO (dotted) - retrograde. 1. 1 Triple IC; MA overstamps circles & this produces the effect of /.\'/.\' with 4 triangular spots. Probably same platter as V403.
name1 Mario
comment DIE 01A01
DIE-STYLE note dotted O; other oddities are just distortions caused by over-stamping decoration.
FORMS large platters
SOURCE import
DISTRIBUTION Sheepen I (3 - probably 2 platters); Vertault, Cam 2 3R.

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