
The following website presents the digital results of the Gallo-Belgic pottery project undertaken by between 2003 and 2006. The project has been funded by a Leverhulme Research grant administered through the Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University under the auspices of Barry Cunliffe.

One of the principal aims of the project has been to compile a corpus of Gallo-Belgic pottery (terra nigra and terra rubra) found in Britain. An essential part of this work has been to create a digital record of all known potter name stamps and marks. The data presented in this web site represents the first stage of dissemination. A monograph outlining the background to the industry, its forms and fabrics, chronology distribution and an interpretation of the results is currently in preparation.

Using the website

Access to pages outlining the background to the project and to the different components of the database can be gained by following the hyperlinks in the lefthand column. The website presents the digital data which can be interrogated in various ways through linked tables as well as through distribution maps.


For queries relating to technical aspects of this site contact the Web Officer at the Institute of Archaeology, Oxford.


Please note that Oxford University Institute of Archaeology reserves copyright in all material appearing in the pages of the Gallo-Belgic pottery database accessible through the World Wide Web.

Permission is given only to copy material appearing in these pages for the purposes of reading them, executing them, or otherwise processing that is directly necessary in order to fulfil the apparent intent of Oxford University Institute of Archaeology in placing them on the web. Copies may be held another systems only for personal reference purposes or for expediting access to them (eg storing in caches).

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Citation of this Web Site

Please use the following format when refereeing this website:

"Gallo-Belgic pottery database: internet edition" -

This website has been created and designed by Lucian Pricop and David Sturtevant (Oxford Archaeology).


The compilation of a work such as this heavily relies on the goodwill and co-operation of many individuals and we would like to extend our gratitude to all those individuals and institutions that have allowed us access to information or finds or provided services to facilitate the work. Full acknowledgements will be given in the forthcoming publication but in particular the following institutions allowed us to study and in some cases photograph their collections: Colchester and Ispwich Museums; British Museum; Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Galley, Exeter; Reading Museum Service (Reading Borough Council); Corinium Museum, Cirencester; Winchester Museums Service; Winchester Research Unit; Southampton City Council Cultural Services; Fishbourne Roman Palace; Chichester District Council Museum Collections; Verulamium Museum, St Albans; Museum of London; The Dorset County Museum, Dorchester; Hertford Museum; Salisbury and South Wiltshire Museum and Hampshire Museums Service. Reading Museum, Corinium Museum and Chichester District Council Museum Collection retain copyright on any images taken of items in their collections.

Gallo-Belgic pottery in Britain
Jane Timby and Val Rigby
Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford

Copyright © 2006-2007 Oxford University Institute of Archaeology
Website design and development by Lucian Pricop and David Sturtevant (Oxford Archaeology Digital)